As one of the most professional China PCB manufacturer, Hitech Circuits is specialized in manufacturing best quality and cheap price Quick Turn PCB, Rigid-flex PCB, High frequency PCB, Heavy copper PCB Metal core PCB and High Density Interconnect PCB.
Material selection for the construction of a printed circuit board is a critical step towards the final product. Global Circuits can assist you with material selection to ensure the proper materials for your boards applications while providing the best materials for your project budget. We have created a simple guideline to help you make the proper evaluation of the materials selection below. We encourage you to contact us to further discuss your circuit boards application and specifications.
Product Application Recommendations
Application recommendations for selection of a specific type of material is based upon consideration of the following:
Material Suitability
Best in Class Performance
Cost / Performance Ratio
Key Questions:
Will the (PCB / PWB) printed circuit board successfully survive the reflow process?
Will the (PCB / PWB) be fit for use and have maximum reliability in use after the reflow process?
Specific Material Selection Suitability
The application suitability of a specific type of material is based on consideration of the following parameters:
Tg – Glass transition temperature
Td – Decomposition temperature
Z axis expansion
PWB Processability
I.S/T/ performance
T260 and T288 performance
Solder float survivability
Thermal cycling performance
And additional data